The Accunet Mortgage Show (11/20/16 Episode)

We’ve got a new president-elect, and interest rates have jumped nearly a half percent since November 9. What does this mean for home buyers and those looking to refinance on their current mortgage? Accunet president Brian Wickert and millennial loan consultant David Wickert discuss this and more on this week’s Accunet Mortgage and Realty Show.

Also on this week’s episode, David and Brian give their interpretation of why these interest rates have risen and the odds on another rate hike when the Fed meets in December. Additionally, Brian discusses the Top 5 Surprises for First Time Home Buyers.
To close out the show, there are a couple real-life stories from the mortgage world trenches including a condo-buyer’s cautionary tale, a case where a cash buyer decided to try to get a new mortgage along with our weekly rate round-up. Listen in to hear all the details from the team putting a roof over your head without the headaches – Accunet Mortgage.

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